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Join the movement to refuse single-use plastics.

Plastic Free Ecochallenge is a one-month challenge for all of us to refuse and reduce single-use plastics in our everyday lives. Let's create a plastic free world, together.
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Designed to last forever but often used for less than 15 minutes, plastics are an environmental tragedy from production to disposal.

Through Plastic Free Ecochallenge, you'll curate your own challenge to refuse and reduce single-use plastics for one month - with practical and sustainable actions spanning all experience levels. No matter where you are on your sustainability journey, there are actions for you in this Ecochallenge, and the extensive library of resources and the collective participant feed mean you'll never be left asking, "what now?"

Plastic Free Ecochallenge is created and developed in partnership with Columbus Zoo and Aquarium and, and supported by a robust network of zoos and aquariums across North America. Together, we are building a sustainable, plastic-free world.

Push yourself outside of your comfort zone, try new things, and watch our collective impact grow.
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Plastic Free Ecochallenge 2024 participants


Collective Impact

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Participant Feed

  • July 26 at 8:01 PM
    Final week, we can finish strong!
  • July 26 at 7:53 PM
    Anyone heard of a “Papertarian”? It is someone who lives a paper-based lifestyle.,that%20have%20a%20big%20impact%20on%20our%20planet
  • July 26 at 7:47 PM
    I feel confident that I can fly tomorrow with two toddlers and not buy plastic. I have all the snacks prepped, the art and games and books and the cars at hand, the backup clothes, the diapers, the water bottles and a thermos for coffee. I have a bag for soiled clothes and reusable bags for whatever. And I just remembered the reusable cutlery!!...